Ann Moore - Snugli baby carrier

Ann Moore

Ann Moore was born in 1940. She is an American nurse credited as the inventor of the Snugli and Weego childa> carriers. These baby products are still sold in stores.

Ann Moore was a pediatric nurse by training, and, following humanitarian work in Germany and Morocco, she was one of the earliest volunteers for the Peace Corps. She served in Togo during the 1960s and was accompanied by her husband and fellow Peace Corps volunteer, Mike.

After the birth of the couple's first daughter, following their return to the United States, Ann attempted to carry her child in the style used in West Africa by using a long shawl as a sling to strap the infant to her back. Finding this method to be ineffective, as the child would slip, she, with the help of her own mother, developed a back-pack harness that, following modifications, would become the forerunner to the Snugli. The Snugli was patented in 1969.